2023 PostdocNet General Meeting
- Start: Oct 9, 2023
- End: Oct 10, 2023

Come learn more about the PostdocNet, discuss issues of relevance to MPG postdocs, and get a career development crash course!
The 2023 General Meeting will take place at the Max-Planck-Institut for Psychiatry, Kraepelinstraße 2, 80804 München, from Monday, October 9 to Tuesday, October 10.
This will be the first in-person meeting after COVID, and we encourage as many postdocs as possible to attend in person. For those who are not able to attend in person there will also be the possibility to attend the meeting virtually.
To register, please fill out this form. For in-person attendees, please respond by July 31st.
The Program
The highlight of the meeting will be a podium discussion on the WissZeitVG featuring Former MPG President Prof. Dr. Martin Stratmann, Helmholtz President Prof. Dr. Otmar Wiestler, Jun.Prof. Dr. Amrei Bahr, one of the initiators of the #IchBinHanna campaign, Simon Pschorr, a prosecutor who has written on the legal aspects of the WissZeitVG, Prof. Dr. Katja Krause, Group Leader at the MPI for the History of Science and member of the MPG LeadNet Steering Committee, and finally Dr. Anneke Heins, postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology and speaker of the MPG Postdocnet.
The program also includes introductions to the various working groups and the election of the next steering group committee. There will be ample opportunities for socializing and exchanging ideas throughout the event.
A preliminary program will be sent soon.
Registration and Funding
Registration for the meeting is now open. We encourage you to register as soon as possible via this short survey [https://survey.academiccloud.de/index.php/623641?lang=en].
The registration deadline for people who need accommodation is July 31st.
The registration deadline for all other in-person guests is August 30th.
The registration deadline for virtual participation is October 8th.
Please note that travel expenses can only be reimbursed via your own institute. It is expected that institutes cover travel for the External Postdoc Representative. However, please go through the proper channels (i.e. fill in a Dienstreiseantrag).
PostdocNet will book and pay for accommodation for all External Representatives, proxy voters (see below), and Working Group Leaders.
We are not able to pay for expenses for internal representatives or other interested postdocs. However, we encourage postdocs to sign up. Please discuss with your institute/PI about funding options.
Important Procedural Matters
If an External Representative’s term ends before the meeting, they will be ineligible to vote in the proceedings (and we will be unable to pay for your accommodation). Therefore, please schedule an election as soon as possible and contact the General Secretary (general.secretary@postdocnet.mpg.de) for assistance and the Election Package.
If your institute does not have an External Representative or the External Representative from your institute is unable to attend the meeting (virtually or not), you can identify a proxy voter to come in your place to be your voting representative for the meeting. This voting proxy must be identified at least 4 weeks before the General Meeting by emailing the General Secretary. We suggest doing this earlier so everyone can properly prepare.
If you have any further questions, please contact us at generalmeeting@postdocnet.mpg.de.
We are looking forward to welcoming both our old and new members to this important event.
Tentative Schedule