Career Development Working Group

The goal of our group is to support personal development and promote a variety of career opportunities in academia and beyond.

What do we do?

We organise events, open to all postdocs, on topics which relate to career development. These include the MPG’s projects, (think MAX!imize, Max Planck Foundation) and talks from former postdocs who are now academics or have moved to industry.

We’re also open to postdoc networking sessions and similar informal events, although there aren’t any such events in the pipeline at the moment.

If you’re a postdoc, you should get notified of these events by email.

The Careers Working Group needs YOU!

Are you a postdoc? Do you think that career planning and development is important? Maybe you have some ideas for events/activities, and/or want to get involved? If so, please consider joining the working group! We always welcome new members, and the workload is whatever works best for you. Drop us an email! :)

Do you want to join our team? E-mail us at

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